The Front-End Developer is in charge of optimizing the ergonomics and navigation of a website. Unlike the Back-End Developer, the Front-End Developer does not live in the shadows. His work is visible on the screen and the rendering is the first element that the user will see.
To know the specifics of the Front-End Developer profession, we recommend that you read the Web Developer job description.
Initially, the creation of web pages and their integration was done through the work of a Web Developer. With the evolution of the Internet, the role of developer integrator has become an activity in its own right. Between the Web Integrator and the Back-End Developer a new specialty has emerged with the appearance of "Front-End Developer": a person responsible for creating a clear, easy-to-use and fast interface.
The objective of the Front-End Developer is to make the website more ergonomic (visual aesthetics) and to make the functional part (site navigation) more accessible. He will also take care of the portability, quality and referencing of the website taking into account the different platforms and browsers used and apply with respect the integration (for better visibility) of web pages with new techniques of HTML 5. The Front-End Developer Integrator ensures the compatibility of the site and that all W3C standards are applied in order to guarantee a quality site for users.
Junior: 30-35 K € (0 to 3 years of experience)
Confirmed: 40-45 K € (4 to 8 years of experience)
Senior: 55-70 K € (8 years and over)
As a recruitment firm specializing in the French digital sector, we are a privileged witness to salary trends and developments in the Tech professions. As every year, we offer a salary study with the salary ranges for tech professions in Île-de-France and regions.
You can download the full study with the salary ranges for Tech professions in Île-de-France: here and in Regions: here
L'administrateur réseau est un professionnel essentiel dans le domaine de l'informatique. Ce métier consiste à gérer, maintenir et optimiser la sécurité des réseaux informatiques d'une entreprise. L'administrateur réseau assure la bonne circulation de l'information et la sécurité des données sur les réseaux de télécommunications. Il est le garant du bon fonctionnement des systèmes d'information et de la communication entre les utilisateurs.
Un architecte web est un expert en informatique qui conçoit et supervise la réalisation de solutions web adaptées aux besoins des clients et aux contraintes techniques. Il intervient sur tout le cycle de vie d’un projet web, de l’analyse des besoins à la mise en production, en passant par le choix des technologies, la conception de l’architecture, le développement, les tests et la maintenance.
Le Chef de Projet Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (MOA) définit, met en œuvre et conduit un projet.