The UI Designer (User Interface) takes care of the link between the machine and the human.


The UI Designer(User Interface) takes care of the link between the machine and the human. He is in charge of the general design of the interface, the clarity of navigation, the optimization of routes and also the quality of the content. He is the one who organizes graphic and textual elements on the basis of technical standards.

On the contrary, of UX Designers who are interested in the user experience, UI Designers are focused on the visual aspect and the rendering of the product. They are responsible for designing each page the user interacts with and ensuring that the visuals are consistent with the "user path" made by the UX Designer. For example, he will take care of visually defining the error displays on the pages or the warnings states.




One of the essential characteristics to be a UI Designer remains creativity, the UI designer must be able to innovate and imagine constantly. It is necessary for the UI designer to know how to convey his ideas skillfully in order to be able to justify his choices and agree with the UI Designer on the user interface adopted. Finally, mastery of the Adobe suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) and Sketch is essential for the UI designer.

He must also work hand in hand with the UX designer.



The soft skills of a UI Designer are:

  • Creativity
  • Attention to detail
  • Empathy
  • Curiosity
  • Communication
  • Multi-project management



There are training courses in digital art, graphics, computer graphics, IT and multimedia to lead to the position of UI Designer. Here is a non-exhaustive list of training courses that can lead to becoming a UI designer:

  • BTS graphic design, communication and digital media option
  • DUT in multimedia and internet professions
  • DUT computer science
  • Public art school diploma: École Estienne, Ensaama (Olivier de Serres), Beaux-Arts de Paris ...
  • Private school art diploma: Gobelins (School of the Image), Esag-Penninghen, Émile Cohl ...
  • Design or multimedia school diploma: Supinfocom, Iscom, International School of Design ...
  • Bachelor (3 years): Web creation, design, communication ...
  • Engineering school diploma in computer science + graphic design certificate.
  • License pro arts and technologies of virtual image (Paris 8)
  • Pro bachelor's degree in online digital creation and development (Paris 8)
  • Master pro arts, creation and digital engineering (Valenciennes)
  • Professional master's degree in multimedia and internet interface design (Paris 13)



Businesses need a UI Designer to attract and retain users of their platform. A UI Designer just like a UI Designer can evolve, after a few years of experience, to a position of Information Architect or Project Director. Many people have evolved to have the dual UI / UX Designer hat and are very popular with start-ups.

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