The Cloud Computing Engineer must find companies that offer cloud data storage services (cloud servers) corresponding to the needs of the company for which he works. He studies the offers of the various providers in order to find the ideal partner.
Its business has two components: a technical aspect for the implementation of storage solutions and a part focused on communication with the people who will be affected by the implementation of these new solutions.
The missions of the Cloud Computing Engineer (or Cloud Computing Architect) are numerous:
As a project manager, the Cloud Computing Engineer is also responsible for the customer / supplier company relationship. Three service models are available to it: SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as a service), and IaaS (infrastructure as a service).
The soft skills of the Cloud Computing Engineer are:
Minimum Bac +5 level. Many schools (Isep, Epita, Télécom Lille1, Télécom ParisTech, Eurecom, Télécom Bretagne, Télécom Sud Paris, Itescia, Supinfo, etc.) now offer specialized training.
Masters (bac + 5)
- cloud computing (Isep)
- cloud computing & mobility (Insset)
Specialized masters (MS Bac + 6)
- virtualization and cloud computing (Istescia)
- cloud computing (Isep).
- "executive certificate: cloud computing architecture" training (Central School)
As cloud computing is on the way to generalization in companies, there is a strong demand for experts in the field. After a few years of experience, the cloud engineer can move towards positions of high responsibility in the company.
Junior: 35-45 K € (0 to 3 years of experience)
Confirmed: 45-59 K € (4 to 8 years of experience)
Senior: 60-70 + K € (8 years old and over)
As a recruitment firm specializing in the French digital sector, we are a privileged witness to salary trends and developments in the Tech professions. As every year, we offer a salary study with the salary ranges for tech professions in Île-de-France and regions.
You can download the full study with the salary ranges for Tech professions in Île-de-France: here and in Regions: here
L'Ingénieur Cloud Computing doit trouver les entreprises qui proposent des services de stockage de données cloud (serveurs dématérialisés) correspondant aux besoins de l'entreprise pour laquelle il travaille
Les Data Engineer sont chargés de trouver des tendances dans les ensembles de données et de développer des algorithmes pour aider à rendre les données brutes plus utiles à l'entreprise.
Data Engineers are responsible for finding trends in data sets and developing algorithms to help make raw data more useful to the business.