Video Game Developer

Video Game Developer writes code for games for a variety of formats, such as PCs, consoles, web browsers, and mobile phones.


Video Game Developer, also known as Video Game Programmers, writes code for games for a variety of formats, such as PCs, consoles, web browsers, and mobile phones. The Video Game Developer takes the ideas, designs and rules of the Video Game Designer and transforms them into a playable game with visuals and sound, through writing code.

The work of a Video Game Developer generally involves:

  • Examine the Design Specifications of Video Game Designers
  • Write code to turn Designer concepts into a playable game
  • Use application program interfaces (APIs) - a set of predefined commands that allow different software to interact
  • Artificial intelligence programming for non-player characters in the game




This profession inevitably requires being on the lookout for new developments, trends and technological developments. But he must have an essential base of technical skills in order to master the tools and methods used on a daily basis. And they are many :

  • Development languages ​​C #, C ++, Java, etc.
  • Graphical programming (HLSL shaders)
  • Team development tools (Perforce, Git, etc.)
  • Network programming for connected games
  • Design methods
  • Production, integration, visualization, test tools
  • Have knowledge in project management
  • Have a basic knowledge of technical English



The soft skills of a Video Game Developer are:

  • Creativity
  • A passion for video games
  • Extensive knowledge of gaming trends
  • Strong analytical mind
  • The ability to work in a team



Several voices open to become a Video Games Developer: License, Bachelor, Master, MSc. Two diplomas in three years and the other two in two years with a specialization in video game technologies. You must therefore first go through a science option in high school before entering specialized school.

A strong taste for mathematics is a plus, because code is the official language of the programmer. Then, you will have to choose a video game programmer training.



The career evolutions of a Video Game Developer are numerous, as a technical profession, he can gradually take on responsibilities, by occupying the position of Principal Programmer. The Video Game Developer can also try his hand at functions as Technical Director, consider project management, or see himself as a Research and Development Engineer in an innovative company.



Junior: 30-35 K € (0 to 3 years of experience)

Confirmed: 36-42 K € (4 to 8 years of experience)

Senior: 45-50 K € (8 years and over)


As a recruitment firm specializing in the French digital sector, we are a privileged witness to salary trends and developments in the Tech professions. As every year, we offer a salary study with the salary ranges for tech professions in Île-de-France and regions.

You can download the full study with the salary ranges for Tech professions in Île-de-France: here and in Regions: here

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