Embedded Software Developer

The Embedded Developer is a software developer who optimizes his code according to the hardware platform used. The Embedded Developer's mission is to develop optimized code for specific hardware platforms.


The Embedded Developer is a software developer who optimizes his code according to the hardware platform used. The Embedded Developer's mission is to develop optimized code for specific hardware platforms.

In addition, it takes into account the additional constraints linked to the field of use of the final product (for example the code for the aerospace industry is not developed in the same way as for the multimedia industry).

In his profession, the Embedded Developer will:

  • Define specifications
  • Develop software bricks (e.g. drivers) or complete products, potentially with security constraints
  • Participate in the implementation of a software architecture
  • Run module unit tests and take care of debugging
  • Ensure the maintenance of the delivered code




The requirements of an Embedded Developer are multiple:

  • Proficiency in software development in C / C ++ is essential.
  • Depending on the project, the Embedded Developer must have worked on one or more architectures using different microprocessors and processors, often with real-time constraints.
  • This implies that the Embedded Developer must be highly adaptable and learn quickly in order to be quickly up and running in many different technical environments.



The soft skills of an Embedded Developer are:

  • Disciplined
  • Method
  • Creativity
  • Knowing how to solve problems
  • Know how to respect constraints



The profession of Embedded Developer is accessible from Bac + 5 after a course in computer engineering school or after a Master in Computer Engineering or a Master in automatic and on-board information processing (control and diagnosis of complex systems possible).



The Embedded Developer may decide to move towards the positions of Technical Director, Domoticist or even Research and Development Engineer.



Junior: 42 K € (0 to 3 years of experience)

Confirmed: 53 K € (4 to 8 years of experience)

Senior: 62 K € (8 years and over)


As a recruitment firm specializing in the French digital sector, we are a privileged witness to salary trends and developments in the Tech professions. As every year, we offer a salary study with the salary ranges for tech professions in Île-de-France and regions.

You can download the full study with the salary ranges for Tech professions in Île-de-France: here and in Regions: here

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