The Data Scientist is an expert in mastering and interpreting data. This profession brings together skills from several professions such as Data Miner and Data Analyst.


Unlike the Data Analyst, the Data Scientist not only examines data from a single source (eg CRM), he analyzes data to a higher degree from many scattered sources. He must extract the main data and output concrete indicators, analyze both internal and external data (customers, prospects, employees, etc.) that the company collects through various means, then makes recommendations to improve the product or service provided by the company or its performance.




The Data Scientist must first start from a so-called "business" problem of the company and translate it into statistical form. They must then find the data sources to answer them. Finally, the last mission of this data scientist is to analyze data and issue strategic recommendations concerning databases (modify, repatriate, outsource or internalize).

The Data Scientist is not just a statistician, but also a technician since he must use the IT tools at his disposal in order to improve the performance and profitability of the company.

He must have three essential skills: a strong appetite for database technologies and IT tools, mastery of data mining and statistics techniques and know-how in the application sector of the analyzed data. He has knowledge of math, statistics, modeling, data analysis, but also computer science.



The soft skills of a Data Analyst are:

  • Good communication
  • Curiosity
  • Business knowledge
  • Adaptability
  • Critical sense
  • Team spirit



A few years ago, no specific training existed for the position of Data Scientist, but now more and more French schools are offering this training. Several options are possible to become a Data Scientist. The vast majority of schools below offer training at Bac + 5, or even Bac +6 for some.

Aspirants can thus go to a school specializing in statistics as is the case for: Ensae, ParisTech, Ensai, Isup, Polytech'Lille. They can also opt for engineering schools such as: Centrale, Polytechnique, Télécom Paristech, Cnam. It is possible to do a Big data training at Bac + 6 in Grenoble (Ensimag + EMSI)

Finally, it is possible to pursue a course in a business school with the ESSEC / Accenture Chair in Strategic Business Analytics or the 40-hour training offered by HEC to its MBA students, in partnership with IBM.



As the world of Big Data is constantly evolving, there are many opportunities for Data Scientists. Bridges are mainly carried out from agency to agency or by moving from a small start-up type structure to a larger company.



Junior: 38-45 K € (0 to 3 years of experience)

Confirmed: 45-55 K € (4 to 8 years of experience)

Senior: 60-80 K € (8 years and over)


As a recruitment firm specializing in the French digital sector, we are a privileged witness to salary trends and developments in the Tech professions. As every year, we offer a salary study with the salary ranges for tech professions in Île-de-France and regions.

You can download the full study with the salary ranges for Tech professions in Île-de-France: here and in Regions: here

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