Digital has changed the sales process of the salesmen espacially the qualification of the prospects. Indeed, we can find much more information today, to target potential customers, due the numerous tools at our diposal.
This has two consequences:
The first is a real bargain: salesmen can very quickly qualify many potential targets but also get a lot of information about these companies in order to adapt their speech and approach for each of their prospects.
However this also has a perverse effect: the over-solicitation of these prospects. With a better visibility, potential buyers will be much more contacted. Consequently, they are better informed about what can be done and are therefore more demanding. Because of this over-solicitation, the customers will give you less time to talk with them.
Many tools are available for the sales team to refine their working methods.This is particularly the case with CRMs, which now enables a better visualization of its customers and prospects, and above all a better follow-up with systems of reminders etc. The commercial 2.0 is more prepared, more informed, better equipped. As a result, he is asked to generate more leads and more results.
One of the complex tasks of a hunter is to find new prospects and qualify them. The final idea is to identify for each company the right person to contact and find his email as well as his phone number.
To do this, the web is your best friend! Many tools are available on the web in order to find the right information, you have to know them and know how to use them.
LinkedIn : No surprise here, LinkedIn is the ideal hunting tool to identify a target! It is also possible from time to time to get the mail and phone of prospects identified (but not always).
The website of the company : Very random, but it is possible to obtain information about the teams, an e-mail and the telephone. However, some sites are very limited in terms of information. My tip: right click on the site and "view the source code of the page" then "Ctrl F" and search with "@". In this way it is often possible to get a hidden mail address.
Prophet : allows to get emails of the profiles on LinkedIn when they are not displayed, it is a free plugin
Press releases : often available on the web, press releases can become a great source of information: often there are email and phone numbers.
Google : if you know how to talk to him, Google can bring back a lot of information not always visible at the origin. With the use of Boolean operators and some formulas ("insite", "intitle" "ext" ...) it is possible to filter the answers of google.
Domaintools : This website also allows to obtain telephone numbers by entering the url of the site of the targeted company.
There are also many sites to find the right email according to the company (anymailfinder, ...) or check this email (
Other sites also allow to find new leads or even, LeadFuze ...
And this is just an overview of the tools available on the web to give the commercial 2.0 the weapons he needs to launch his hunt!