What better image than a C-3PO to illustrate the fantasies of artificial intelligence? These machines created by Man, could think and feel the world like us, even become our buddies. If we can not yet tease our OS like Joaquin Phoenix in HER, the advances in machine learning continues to grow. Artificial intelligence is first of all the task of entrusting to a software or an algorithm the processing of a large volume of data. The machine takes over where we human beings are limited in precision, quality, delay ... which makes it possible to optimize the use of the innumerable data we generate (the darkdata still account for 90% of the total data; There's work!). The algorithm processes the data, learns from it, and allows to make choices or predict certain events. The result: faster, cheaper and more powerful data processing.
Since the year 2010, artificial intelligence has opened the way to deep learning, which pushes the boundaries of machine learning by imitating the neural connections of our brain. Thanks to the deep learning we see cars without drivers and machines expert in Go game. The magnitude of the phenomenon pushed the newspaper Le Monde to take the temperature of the markets disrupted by the AI in our daily lives.
Marketing is above all a question of having a perfect knowledge of its customer: target, advise the good product, recommend others, anticipate the behaviors, adopt a personalized approach, follow trends in real time and optimize the customer experience ... All thanks to the feedback. We can then quickly see the infinite connections with the AI.
Artificial intelligence is now at the top of GAFA's R & D investment list. The traditional tools of webmarketing suffer from this competition, as such as the death of "SEO-Friendly" with the arrival of RankBrain, Google's new algorithm. In webmarketing, it will allow to better analyze the conversion tunnels and to more easily achieve the marketing objectives "AARRR" (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral). According to a study (2016), artificial intelligence would increase the ROI of webmarketing campaigns by 15 to 20%.
"Smart" webmarketing looks like what?
All these tools make it possible to draw the contours of tomorrow's marketing, whose Zenith network (Publicis Media) already gives us leads. Its study of 10 trends in webmarketing shows the impact of artificial intelligence on the consumer's journey.
It will be understood: the Big Data is the nerve of the war of any digital strategy and now gives some trades a place of choice in webmarketing. Data scientist, data analyst, data miner, Growth hacker, CRM consultant, IA engineer / machine learning ... The data, machinery and marketing divisions have never been so fine!