
2017 salary study : tech jobs (Lyon)

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  •  01.09.2017
  •  5 MIN

Salary is one of the major criterion when looking for a job or looking to hire someon. In a constantly moving industry, it can be quite hard to know where we stand on the market. Wether you are a junior or a senior profile, it is important to have some idea of what you are worth. 
Paris should not be the only city getting its market analysis when it comes to salaries. For 6 years now, Urban Linker has been helping out its candidates on the salary ranges on the market depending on their job, experience, and the technology they use. With over 2 years of activity in the Rhône-Alpes region, we are now able to give out our study on the salary evolutions for tech profiles in Lyon and its surroundings. 

People in Paris, if you are interested in moving to Lyon, know that your salary will decrease of 20-25% on average. But don't worry! Lyon is the second digital ecosystem in France, and you will have access to attractive projects, on a blooming market! (see our article)
The study was carried based on salary information gathered by the recruitments we made, for pure players, web agencies, software editors, startups and digital departments of big groups. The data collected have been balanced by a qualitative and empirical approach, in order to be as accurate as possible compared to the market it illustrates: Urban Linker’s senior consultants, experts in digital jobs, analyzed the results.

This study is a quantitative and qualitative analysis, based on the recruitments carried out before June 30st 2017, and only involves the geographic area of Lyon and its surroundings. Numbers are given in gross k€/year. 

PHP developers: CMS


CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, Spip, Prestashop

CMS: Drupal & Magento

Junior 0 to 2 years

24-28 K€

27-35 K€ +8%

Confirmed 2 to 4 years

28-32 K€

35-38 K€ +9%

Senior 4 to 6 years

33-37 K€

38-42 K€ +5%



42-50 K€ +5%



50K€ and + +4%

*K€ gross/year – Source Urban Linker for the Rhône Alpes region


PHP developers: Frameworks


Frameworks: Symfony2, Zend2, Laravel, Silex

Junior 0 à 2 ans

27-33 K€ +5.2%

Confirmé 2 à 4 ans

33-38 K€ +3%

Senior 4 à 6 ans

38-42 K€ +5%


42-50 K€ +5%


50K€ et + +4%

*K€ brut/an – Source Urban Linker pour la région Rhône Alpes


Front-end developers


Integrator (HTML5/CSS3)

Front JS Developer

Full-stack JS Developer

Junior 0 to 2 years

22-28 K€

28-35 K€ +7%

30-38 K€ +7%

Confirmed 2 to 4 years

28-33 K€

35-40 K€ +3%

38-44 K€ +5%

Senior 4 to 6 years


40-45 K€ +2%

44-50 K€ +7%


33-36 K€

41-50K€ +1%

45-55 K€ +7%



50K€ and +

55K€ and + +10%

*K€ gross/year – Source Urban Linker for the Rhône Alpes region


Ruby / Python Developers




Junior 0 to 2 years

27-35 K€

27-35 K€

Confirmed 2 to 4 years

35-42 K€

35-42 K€

Senior 4 to 6 years

42-47 K€

42-47 K€


40-52 K€

40-52 K€


55K€ and +

55K€ and +

*K€ gross/year – Source Urban Linker for the Rhône Alpes region


.Net / Java developers


. Net


Junior 0 to 2 years

27-32 K€

28-33 K€ +3%

Confirmed 2 to 4 years

32-37 K€

33-38 K€ +3%

Senior 4 to 6 years

37-42 K€

38-43 K€ +2%


42-55 K€

43-58 K€ +2%


45-60 K€

48-60 K€ +6%

*K€ gross/year – Source Urban Linker for the Rhône Alpes region


Mobile developers




Junior 0 à 2 ans

28-35 K€ +8.6%

28-35 K€ +8.6%

Confirmé 2 à 4 ans

35-40 K€ +6%

35-40 K€ +6%

Senior 4 à 6 ans

41-47 K€ +7%

41-47 K€ +7%


44-50 K€ +4%

44-50 K€ +4%


55K€ et + +5%

55K€ et + +5%

*K€ brut/an – Source Urban Linker pour la région Rhône alpes


System Administrator / DevOps


System Administrator


Junior 0 to 2 years

28-34 K€

28-34 K€

Confirmed 2 to 4 years

34-38 K€

34-38 K€

Senior 4 to 6 years

38-45 K€

38-45 K€


45-50 K€

45-50 K€


50K€ and +


*K€ gross/year – Source Urban Linker for the Rhône alpes region


Why this study is purely indicative and cannot be used as a basis for renegotiating your salary

  • This study is based on the job market for developers in the Rhône-Alpes region, for long term contracts.
  • This study does not take into account the type of structures  (Startup - Pure Players - key accounts - software editors - agency)
  • This study focuses on salaries for profiles recruited between 2016/2017, but does not take into account those who are already working.
  • This study takes into account the previous experiences on other environments, which often add up to obtain a salary level like the one mentioned here.
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